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Funny Jewelry For April Fool's Day

Funny jewelry for April fool's day Posted 30 March 2011
Are you ready for the coming April 1st? Any ideas to fool your friends? How about to wear a vivid inset or animal or other fun jewelry to give them a big scare?
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 17

Re: Funny jewelry for April fool's day Posted 30 March 2011
Dear Julia,

I think that You are mistaking. As You know, april fool's day is not Halloween.

Your idea sounds like mixing évents between them, Just as if You were suggesting that You would offer presents for thanksgiving when traditionnally this is done for christmas.

So In m'y opinion, It would be better that You find a more appropriate idea.

How about You Côme up with a false ring (to keep It jewelry) And tell Your Friends You met a tall dark stranger that proposed you. You can imagine a story, say that he's a millionaire from wherever And that between You And him It was literally lové at first sight.

Remember, to really fool Your friends, You havé to pût an extra effort on acting, make It sound real, be convincing.

And keep The Halloween stuff for halloween.
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 548

Re: Funny jewelry for April fool's day Posted 01 April 2011
Loukas, thanks for your kindly advice....
Have fun, and happy fools day.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 17

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