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New Technology – New Sports

New technology – new sports Posted 13 October 2008
A Russian company organized similar to Google but targeted to the national market organized a championship for those who search faster on the internet :)

All the participants had access to a random question for 180 seconds, time that should be sufficient for the users to be able to find the answer and enter it. The one who managed to do it faster made it to the finals.

What is more funny that this competitions had two disqualified participants - a sort of doping control. Those two buddies found out that they work in the same office building and where coordinating their strategy in order to remove rivals.
The competition was a good marketing move. The company managed to attract 1000 participants and some other 10.000 spectators.
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Posts: 141

Posted 17 October 2008
congratulations to Russia. That's a real great move towards IT field development. We should realize that searching the web is an art. Not everybody can do it, let alone doing it fast.
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Posted 22 October 2008
SImilar competitions should be organized world-wide. But, actually I think they are, but we simply have to be more informed about it.
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