In order to achieve success in business, you firstly have to learn to foresee clearly the future. Try to understand what you want to gain. What will happen to you, to your business environment, money, connections and opportunities. Develop the desire for fulfilling your wish. Think about the negative moments your future might bring, assess risks and learn to control them.
Make your own finance plan. Business first of all means knowing the finance. Learn to distinguish assets from liabilities.
You should understand it's impossible to know everything, that's why don't be afraid to address to professionals. Use others' experience and time.
In the 21st century the information makes a half of the business. Don't hesitate to pay money for useful information.
The business means mobs of emotions and nerves, that's why learn to assess the situation not from the point of view of its appearance, but of its profitability. You should have a strong wish to invest your time, money and other sources.
Remember to be patient. Don't try to gain millions in one day or week. You need a lasting strategy.
When you invest money, make it work for you. You can do it by purchasing assets, securities that will permanently ensure a stable profit.
This is what to me is important in business. What can YOU recommend?