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Food/Crops Issue

Food/Crops issue Posted 13 October 2008
I am very disappointed that because of this economic crisis many ecological problems are out of discussions, all over a sudden. On e of the big problems that people are facing now is the lack of crops and food. The price for the basic crops is gaining weight similarly to oil prices. Why aren’t global leaders looking deeper into these aspects? The cold season is just starting in Europe so it is time to prepare to the new agricultural season. I can already imagine new strikes across Brussels of the transporters and agricultural workers, which will fear a new bad year for their business. Let them figure out now hoe to provide less useless products to local shops if there is no demand or it. If authorities will find out how to create an equilibrium then, there will be less crops needed, which means less oil and less money for it, and prices that reflect the real demand not the excess of it.
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Posts: 261

Posted 17 October 2008
I should "disappoint" you that there are actually no food problems today in the world. Maybe only one or two African countries are suffering of that. Fortunately, we have more than enough crops/food, thank God.
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Posted 27 October 2008
You can contribute to help starving people in the world
find out more here
http://www.standagainstpoverty.org/?gcl ... uwodBHEMzA
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Posted 10 November 2008
The problem of food shortage will become more topical when the world's population increases. I don't want it to happen and am sure none of you want it, but, logically it's inevitable. Population increases, while the food supply remains the same
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Posted 16 November 2008
well we still have a lot of reserves. certainly the future will make the countries increase the lands used for growing crops, but, it's not unlimited, of course, which is very bad.
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Re: Food/Crops issue Posted 22 January 2011
Elis wrote:I am very disappointed that because of this economic crisis many ecological problems are out of discussions, all over a sudden. On e of the big problems that people are facing now is the lack of crops and food. The price for the basic crops is gaining weight similarly to oil prices. Why aren’t global leaders looking deeper into these aspects? The cold season is just starting in Europe so it is time to prepare to the new agricultural season. I can already imagine new strikes across Brussels of the transporters and agricultural workers, which will fear a new bad year for their business. Let them figure out now hoe to provide less useless products to local shops if there is no demand or it. If authorities will find out how to create an equilibrium then, there will be less crops needed, which means less oil and less money for it, and prices that reflect the real demand not the excess of it.

hi rexresort is the most fabulous resort in Europe.
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Re: Food/Crops issue Posted 08 March 2011
I think population is the main factor that will make the shortage of Food in future!
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Posts: 157

Re: Food/Crops issue Posted 24 November 2011
Yes population is the main reason. More population increase the more problem will be happen. :lol: :lol:
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