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Eco System Industrial Anti Laws

Eco System Industrial Anti Laws Posted 16 November 2013
The Environment Needs A Top Of The Board Discussion About The Climate Change In a Saturated Market. The Equation Brings A Solution In which The Economic Capitalist Model Change To some Eco System Friandly Economic Model ?? The Saturated Market As The Resulting Of Industrials And Growth Ideologists Face A System Of A Natural Cataclysmic Power To Thinking Renewal Objective. The Powers In the Run To Supremacy Are Leading Us to A risky Game Of Natural Disasters Because Of A Pumping Energy Power Hungry Powers.

The Model Of Descelerating Industry Is At Risk Because Of The Power and Money Hungry Actors And A Complex Result Of A Set Model Of Working Society Obeying The Over-Producing Growth Seeker Industry Model Toward A Resource Limited Global Warming Inprinted Collective Minds Saturating Market to Descelerating Industry Magma Injection For Future Continents Climate Play. Who Does ?? The Legislator Has the Power to Bind The Industry In A Collective Powers Agreement Toward Another Type Of Working Society. Holiday Times For Many, For A Human Being That Lives In Better Health And Peace Of Mind Process. Millenary Principles Of Work Being Questioned... Conservatist Lobbies To be Targeted By Legal Or Illegal Use Of Meteo Violence.

Observations Note Some Mind Printed Industrials And Politicians, Medias And Citizens, But the Core Of the Economic Principles May not Be Yet Rethinked. Do you make money out of Nature ?
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