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Cars On Water? Is It Possible?

Cars on water? Is it possible? Posted 11 October 2008
In May, 2008 the Japanese released a car working exclusively on water. The invention required many years, but the effort was not spent in vain. This car may become a true revolution in the world, since it's a start for a new era of ecological cars. This car is absolutely harmless for the environment and only needs water for driving it. It is not yet produced in series, but can be bought by order. It's price is up to $20,000.
I agree it's not the best look possible, but, it's better than polluting the air.
Do you think people will start using it widely? Its maximum speed is 80 km per hour, which is perfect for a city/town. Would you buy yourself such a car?
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Posted 16 October 2008
With the current oil prices, people will be more than just happy to receive the opportunity to drive free of them. However motor companies have a lot to learn and a long trip to perfectness, or at least to come up with practical ideas.
Paris Forums Frequenter
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Posted 17 October 2008
actually, such cars were invented long time ago. The point is that big car producers and oil companies did everything possible (and are probably still doing it) in order they don't appear on the world market. It's a secret combination, but it's not difficult to understand that this tactic is being used by them.
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Posted 13 November 2008
Cars on water is nothing in coparison to what India have invented. A car driving on air! Yes, air, no additional chemcial substances. I think it's the most ecological transport mean ever.
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Posted 17 November 2008
I think you're talking about the company "Tata"
here's the video on this car
http://www.toplkvideo.com/index.php?opt ... 5&Itemid=2
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Posted 14 February 2009
cars on water - may be... but how to prevent the corruption and great oil money influence???
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Posted 17 April 2009
I think this has been invented long time ago but because of corruption this has been neglected. I think it could be better and would be helpful to our environment if our cars rans on water instead of gasoline.
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Re: Cars on water? Is it possible? Posted 13 January 2010
yes, I think so!
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Posts: 2

Re: Cars on water? Is it possible? Posted 27 September 2010
yes i have heard about this and i was searching related to this topic too....i must say this will for sure work and by this many problems will also be solved...
no doubt it will take some time but then it will work work and work
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 4

Re: Cars on water? Is it possible? Posted 30 October 2010
Thanks for this information!
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Re: Posted 22 January 2011
Maximus wrote:actually, such cars were invented long time ago. The point is that big car producers and oil companies did everything possible (and are probably still doing it) in order they don't appear on the world market. It's a secret combination, but it's not difficult to understand that this tactic is being used by them.

hi rexresort is the most fabulous resort in Europe.
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Re: Cars on water? Is it possible? Posted 14 February 2011
Well i think no one can refuse such an opportunity. Mean to say vehicle without pollution that's great. :|
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