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New To This Board =)

New To This Board =) Posted 24 July 2005
I am new to this board but I like what you guys are talking about. I have a message board which I just created that is free of charge and it contains alot of stuff about the future and the possible World War 3 that we may have coming within the next year or so.

It contains prophecies, predictions, scientific information on the Earth changes that have been occuring such as global warming, tsunamis, Earthquakes, strange weather, ect. It also has stuff on religion and spirituality. It basicly has something for everyone.

Anyways, if you would like to become a member we would love to have you. Thats if you want to though. But if you don't why not at least take a look at what the board has to say? There is alot to learn from and I hope you'll like what you see.

The address to the board is http://www.forums.onlytherightanswers.com

Thanks -

PS - If you have any questions please feel free to ask me. Either on this board or on mine.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Posted 20 February 2008
Hey Mookis!
Welcome to ParisForums!
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