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Older People Over 50

Older People over 50 Posted 29 October 2010
Hi All;

I know a long Q but I want to take care of my parents as much as I can , so I have to know some tips on how I Can be help to them with their health ..

Heard tht bitter chocolates were good for the heart , as well as wine glass a day... You know stuff like these.

Any info shared really appriciated...

Paris forums Member
Posts: 102

Re: Older People over 50 Posted 06 November 2010
tks for your share 8)
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Older People over 50 Posted 24 March 2011
Always take them to routine check up!
Paris forums Member
Posts: 157

Re: Older People over 50 Posted 15 April 2011
Hi berryk,
Nice to know you want to take care of your parents. Besides food there are many other factors also.
Do respect them. Do take care of their clothing, their health, their food.
If they have no major illness you can prepare anything for them. You can find tons of sites on internet, just Google them.
Remember they raised you so it's your time to pay them back.
Best of luck in your goal.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Older People over 50 Posted 15 April 2011
Because parents are the best characters in your life. Just make them happy and satisfy because they are your real asset. And respect make them happy and they pray for your long liveness and it is a blessing for you.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 32

Re: Older People over 50 Posted 29 July 2011
Hi berryk,
Hope you are taking great care of your parents. Yes chocolate is good for heart.
Blueberries, salmon fish, soy protein, oatmeal and spinach are also good for heart.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 133

Re: Older People over 50 Posted 30 July 2011
Yes chocolate is good for them and also fruits and vegetables with addition of milk and thanks for sharing this and we must all take care of our parents and grand parents.
Chris Tremlet
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 25
Location: USA

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