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Urban Envirionment Questioning System

Urban Envirionment Questioning System Posted 12 December 2013
Because the City is the Most Practicle Place to Build Settle and Prosper On Any given Planet because of the common sharing of the ressources around WHO? lives around a city can enjoy the proximity of services, outlets, restaurants and live in a WHO? lives in appartments around the city centre in places you might enjoy on planet earth like New York or Paris. But the biggest problem is not in the city structures like water or electricity, it's about WHO? lives in a city with all the network of electricity cable TV and Water. The civilisation on planet earth from antiquity to present time has chased all the idea of natural predators like lions tigers or wolves because of the emergence of cities in the medieval time, thing not so obvious throughout antiquity but WHO? hits the mind of the observer that the cities are the result of the work of mankind as of WHO? because it is becoming obvious I, as a human being, am experiencing the civilisation of the work of my fathers as of WHO? else can claim to have built large cities, warm and comfortable, with an incredible amount of goods and services dedicated to the well being of the citizens as of WHO? lives in the city will never experience the emptiness of the first human...

As of Economic Questions, Bank Accounts are made to be. Assassin's Creed History or The NASA. Galactic Confederation of Frequency. Too Big Not to Question. Available for Office Job In Paris.
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Re: Urban Envirionment Questioning System Posted 24 December 2013
On ANY planet is not possible to survive...
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Posted 26 December 2013
WHO - like in World Health Organisation?
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Re: Urban Envirionment Questioning System Posted 15 October 2014
Only in France you still have people questioning the urban system.
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 548

Re: Urban Envirionment Questioning System Posted 15 October 2015
The city is a place where you can find rest, but have you ever noticed paranoïd the action around you? It takes time to build english but how deep do you think they managed to build whole cities. Thank you. A city must be equipped with facilities to allow modern living, it is with great satisfaction that you read the ads from your mailbox and comfort proudly in how civilised you are unsecure. To locate with your car, you can use some geospatial service like coyote or navigon but the polarisation becomes a nightmare. Casher. Schizophreny. The arab city is rich and noisily awakened, markets are booming. French city is more quiet almost dying, let it roll. Psychiatry. Now is the time for writing and analysis. The mental hospital is faithless, alcohol, drugs eand medication for a quiet silent death. Fearful. hey i am the human lost, psychiatry, french booba corporate, no Mercedes G-Klass and boots... french cozy HLM and think. Medias need rally points... forecoming élections? Brass... shine right ? medias medical control and psychiatry. Navigating. Alcohol and drugs 31... Move. Mecca codex corp: Lam taf Kim shienzu cables psychiatry ZO!! Psychiatry fear. why? fear. baby dummy is part of the Vatican vatican and Vatican, walk supermarket radio and home? 90 Years old. Ground. daesh parade pick up. Physical. No gay West. Rap music, football and gotham... outsider.
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 548

Re: Urban Envirionment Questioning System Posted 24 February 2016
cigarettes. Tv, radio and news, where is it going? there is a difference
between the drunk and the sober. whisky, cannabis and cocaine. try not
to think and sleep more cannabis, sleep, pills. wake up the newspaper
hides secrets. Paranoia in society. Routine, morning coffee and mental health check at the clinic. Vatican is a small state in italy... voices in my head, respect. watches, sober cigarettes. vodka, and freemassons, secret services, second world war enigmas. Communism islam and nazism. Nazism is uncomfortable. French HLM. vodka. routine time movement. once, they were all men with a job, now it's a conspiracy. Baby D is looking for answers. KAN brothers. prayers, nights days and wondering: is it all so a conspiracy. OK more cannabis is cheap and mentally confusing is the best solution. Soberness storytelling ends up with nazis and the deeper matrix. Oh ignorance is bliss, more cannabis and more whisky. medias are positive, but the newspaper is more profound. i'm lost. it all began in egypt on some forums, then came the paranoia then the schizophreny, people are not like humans, they're at the zoo watching us. you begin to challenge your spiritual system when you notice the anomaly. Something is not your friend in society when you were a kid things were far more welcoming you in your being, it looks exclusive. On alternative medias you would see them talking about H2Os like mean. vodka cheers, cigarette and only if it could be more human it needs hope. It sure is a written society, archives are full of historical facts (q lies) when you look at the evolution of law, lords recognize men rights when men think like happy worker, cigar and vodka... arabic is fun to talk and they've got illuminatis too... printing codex on the newspaper everyday. Illuminatis are like angels or gods: they've created video games that fit exactly the way you think. it would be awesome if only... friends or girlfriend.
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Posts: 548

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